What we do:
We support individuals to make informed choices, to take positive risks and to fully integrate into the community

Mindful Support offers quality, safe and expert care and supported living.  We provide holistic, personalised support that focuses on your personal, psychological, physical, social, spiritual and cultural needs.

Our Mindful Support services are provided in partnership with you, with your goals at the centre of everything we do.  Additionally, we engage occupational therapies, as well as promote healthier lifestyles through optimum nutrition, fitness, and quality, healthier living environment.  Services are provided by fully trained staff who are capable of understanding your needs and are competent to help meet those needs. We are honest, open, and respectful regarding all genders, sexualities, cultures, faiths and spiritual beliefs and we treat everyone according to individual needs.

We support and empower adults with learning disabilities, autism spectrum conditions, mental health needs and other complex needs.  We have specialist skills and are able to provide support to the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendercommunities and the BAME communities.  Mindful Support also provides support for people fleeing domestic violence, (including same sex relationships) to live as independently as possible.

Everyone is treated with compassion, kindness, dignity, respect and understanding, without bias or discrimination.

We deliver support of the highest standard and put you at the centre of everything we do.  Our services are delivered flexibly, attentively and we work hard to ensure you sustain high-quality living.

Mindful Support services are bespoke; therefore, we can support a wide range of needs, from supported living with limited practical support to complex care needs or enabling you to transition from long-term placements to homes of your own. We deliver housing and support services working in partnership with clinicians.

  • We identify and respond to your issues
  • Assist you to develop your own individualised pathway in full consultation with family/friends and other professionals;
  • Enable you to develop your confidence and maintain your dignity, by retaining control of your independence;
  • Provide you opportunities to choose the most suitable recreational, educational and employment opportunities that are available;
  • Provide you access to appropriate health and social care services;
  • Offer you a range of high-quality housing options;
  • Provide you experienced and committed staff that have the appropriate expertise and training;
  • Promote a culture of continual learning within the staff team and foster continual improvement in our service delivery to you
  • Operate accordingly within the relevant legislative framework and policy guidance.

Whether you need support to live independently or manage more complex care, Mindful Support will support you in every way we can.

Some of our services can receive direct referrals, which mean you can apply to them directly. Other services may be applied for via the local NHS, council or social service authority.

If you thinkyou they would benefit from our support, please contact our customer support services and be advised on exactly how to apply and eligibility.
0800 909 8993
0207 993 4159


Website: Mindfulsupport.co.uk

Mindful Support works to fully understand obstacles and any issues which challenge people.  Together, we create individualised pathways to help each person we support to become integral members of their community and to achieve their personal goals and aspirations.


Individual Life Designs Plan

Individual Life Designs are personal authoring tools we use to help us specifically tailor your support.  They are ideal when they are facing circumstances that involve change, for example someone leaving home or a hospital setting.


Whatever the focus, we know stability is key, as is self-discovery and the Individual Life Design will discover a person’s requirements, as well as their gifts and capacities.  their community and relationships and be grounded in the belief that people themselves and those that love, know and care about them are best placed to figure out what a good life is.


This is a time for discovery (not assessment). More importantly the plans created are highly detailed and include looking at the type of property, adaptions, living arrangements and the amount and type of support required.


Our ILD Plans allow our staff to use their specialist knowledge to confidently discuss the needs of the people we support, with a good level of understanding of our client’s, goals and needs. Our staff will identify our clients’ likes, dislikes, interests, personality traits and lifestyle choices.


Focus On Strengths Plan

We focus on strengths as an important step toward creating a more positive pathway to independent living.  There are three specific reasons why a strengths-based approach leads to higher levels of engagement and effectiveness:

Increased positive emotions

A major benefit of focusing on strengths is the impact that applying strengths has on positive emotions.  When people are using the abilities that come naturally to them, they experience satisfaction, joy, fulfilment, and pride. In fact, simply discovering what their unique strengths are gives people emotional satisfaction.  So, helping people to identify their strengths and giving them the opportunity to do what they do best has a direct impact on their positivity.

Greatest potential for success

Another reason to adopt strengths-based technique is that people’s greatest opportunities for success come from using their strengths.  The same effort it takes to improve a weakness just a little bit can improve a strength significantly more.  People become successful by capitalising on their strengths.

Enhanced self-confidence

A final reason to emphasise strengths is that focusing on weaknesses can actually undermine people’s strengths.  Trying to improve a weakness leads to negative emotions and lower self-confidence.  Lower self-confidence in one area of someone’s life will eventually spread to other areas.  People feel worse about themselves in general and start doubting their potential even in areas where they have strengths.

We help all people who use our services to identify their strengths and make an effort to match their strengths to assigned tasks by discussing what they are doing well and working out how they can do more of it.

Empowering people with Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Conditions, Mental Health needs and other complex needs to live as independently as possible, to become integral members of the community and to achieve their goals and aspirations through individual care pathways.

Our ethos, vision and mission embraces independent living and we believe that all individuals have the right and responsibility to live as independently and safely in the community as possible.

We support individuals to make informed choices, to take positive risks and to fully integrate into the community.

“The team rose to the challenge and were exceptional. They each dedicated time and effort to find ways of enabling him to make

Social Worker from Birmingham Council

We are 100% CQC Good or Outstanding
across all of our services